It’s All About Personality

Today’s world is quick to analyze you and your personality. It is easy to find which career, house, or lifestyle best suits you based on a few characteristic traits plugged into an online algorithm. Now- Wander Camp has the assignment you didn’t know you needed, “What your favorite glamping site says about you!” One of the most interesting topics to learn about is positive psychology’s 24 character strengths, such as “humility” or “bravery”. Your character is said to be made up of your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Each of these strengths is separated into six categories, “humanity”, “transcendence”, “temperance”, “justice”, “wisdom and knowledge”, and “courage” which include all 24 strengths. We noticed that several of our most loved glamping sites are practically designed to bring out the best of these attributes in you! So pack up and get ready to explore!
Bear Lake; Humanity

If you chose Bear Lake your strongest character strengths make up the category of Humanity. “Humanity” includes the strengths of “love”, “kindness”, and “social intelligence” and Bear Lake is the perfect place to exude those strengths! You are a person that values relationships with those you care about and are always willing to meet new people and make friends out of strangers. Set on sandy beaches with brilliantly blue water, Wander Camp at Bear Lake is the perfect place to host a friends trip, a family reunion, or broaden your social circle! Lake activities, signature milkshakes, and even a cave to explore encourage shared experiences, and strong bonds are formed.
Yellowstone; Transcendence

If you plan your trip to Wander Camp’s Yellowstone location, your most valued strengths make up the “transcendence” category. The character strengths that fall under “transcendence” are “Appreciation of beauty and excellence”, “humor”, “gratitude”, “optimism”, and “purpose.” You enjoy living in the moment, have a happy disposition, and are grateful for each breath you take! Yellowstone’s stunning views and surreal atmosphere are sure to make you feel right at home. Hit the boardwalk and have Old Faithful’s magnificent spray will fill you with awe! Make acquaintances (from a distance) with a buffalo and his friends. Or, catch a glimpse of the Northern Light’s green and purple hues as they dance across the sky to leave you truly starstruck. Your trip is sure to enhance your strengths as you explore, admire, and find your place in Yellowstone National Park.
Grand Canyon; Temperance

The Temperance grouping includes humility, forgiveness, prudence, and self-control. If these are your character strengths you are someone that likes to have a plan! While some may consider you a little cautious you know that there is a difference between caution and simply thinking things through! The Grand Canyon is the place to be. Book with Wander Camp for an amazing stay in a gorgeous glamping site, and that is one less thing to take care of! Easy! Grand Canyon National Park has activities that can take all day or just a few moments out of your schedule, this park makes for the perfect “plan your own adventure!” Choose to go bicycling, ride a mule up and back, or get a permit and backpack into the canyon overnight! Combine your bucket list with your to-do list on your perfect trip to the Grand Canyon!
Lake Powell; Justice

Lake Powell’s glamping site is your destination of choice if your top strengths fall under the “Justice” category made up of leadership, teamwork, and fairness. You appreciate an equilibrium in life, and were made to be the life of the party! You know how to organize a group and ensure that everyone has a good time. Lake Powell is the trip for you, it has the balance of nature and nightlife, of relaxation and recreation that keeps the whole crew smiling. Enjoy a busy day of boating, waterskiing, or fishing out on the lake that pairs so nicely with dressing up for dinner with a view later that night. However you lead the way, you are sure to fall in love with the harmony found at Lake Powell!
Zion; Wisdom and Knowledge

Wander Camp Zion is a dream! If this is where your vacation takes you it’s possible you identify most with the strengths under “Wisdom and Knowledge”. The strengths in this category are creativity, curiosity, love of learning, open-mindedness, and perspective. You love to explore! Anything and everything, and luckily Zion National Park holds much to explore! Follow your curiosity among the many trails along the red rock paths and be rewarded with sights of unbelievable vistas! Adventure is out there, and Zion is the best place to capture it!
Moab; Courage

We round out the characteristic traits with the “Courage” grouping. Bravery, perseverance, integrity, and enthusiasm fit in here and you exude them! You love to set challenging goals and see them through to the end, and, if we’re honest, you’re a bit of a daredevil as well. Moab camp is the place for you to embrace your wild side. Moab has everything to get your heart racing, daunting mountain bike trails with narrow ledges but unmissable views, Hikes through Arches national park, not to mention skydiving! Get your inspiration at Thelma and Louise Point, where the iconic ending scene of the movie Thelma and Louise was filmed. Whatever adrenaline rush you are chasing after, Moab is sure to provide you with endless fun!
Designed For A Good Time

While assigning yourself a vacation based off your personality is fun, we know the real truth- every site holds adventures for everyone! No matter which glamping spot you stop by, you are sure to be living your best life. So book your stay with Wander Camp and head out to embrace your true colors in style!
Written by Miranda Marsden