Camping with kids can be quite a challenge and glamping with them is no different. It can be difficult finding things to keep the little ones entertained and even more difficult when weather prevents exploring the great outdoors. Here are 7 ideas for things to do and games to play inside or outside of the tent.

Killer Frog
To play the game, two people are chosen from the group. The first person chosen is the detective and their goal is to discover who the killer frog is. The detective is given a set number of guesses to uncover the killer. The killer frog’s objective is to “kill” everyone until there is only 2-3 remaining, depending on the size of the group. In order to “kill” another player, the killer frog has to make eye contact with their target and then stick out their tongue. The target shows that they have been killed by dramatically lying down “dead”. If the detective discovers who the frog is then they win and the game start over. This fun interactive game is perfect for kids of any ages!
Camping Alphabet Hunt
This game is a twist on the game, “I Spy”, instead of finding an object and having others guess what it is, the group locates objects that start with certain letters. An example would be seeing an apple and then showing the rest of the group that you found. The next person would then have to find and tell the group of an object that starts with the letter ‘B’. The game continues until all letter of the alphabet have been found. The Camping Alphabet Hunt is great for families because it can be played both indoors and outdoors, on the road or at camp. It also allows young children to work on their letters and grow their vocabulary!
Down By The Banks
This classic game is a favorite of children all over. There are more detailed instructions on how to play, but you can easily put your own twist on the game as well. There are many different versions of the rhyme, but one of the more common goes like this:
“Down by the banks of the Hanky Panky
Where the bullfrogs jump from bank to banky
Saying eeps, ipes, opes, opps
One fell in and went kerplops.”
This game is upbeat and silly, making it great fun for the whole family to play! Another great aspect is that it can be played inside or outside so if the weather turns bad, your family can play a fun game in the tent!

Chubby Bunny
This hilarious game is fun to play besides the campfire! All you need in order to play is a bag or two of marshmallows and you are all set. To play the game, each person takes a turn putting a marshmallow in their mouth and then attempts to say “Chubby Bunny” without chewing. If you can’t say it then you are out! The game ends when there is one person remaining. Chubby Bunny is a friendly little game that causes so much laughter, and when people get out they can use some marshmallows and make s’mores
An exciting game that tests each participant’s flexibility. All that is required to play this game, is a stick of some sort and people willing to try their hand at seeing how low they can go. When preparing to leave for a trip, it can be hard to pack everything that you will need. With this game you won’t have to! You can have the kids search around the area for a stick and make a game out of it. Although this game is generally played outside, you can also play it inside a glamping tent as well.
Flashlight Tag
Need a way to tire the kiddos out so that they’ll go to bed? A great game to play with them is tag but with a twist! Instead of having to find and physically tag each person, you use flashlights instead. That way there isn’t too much running around in the dark and the kids can get all their wiggles out!
Red Light, Green Light
One of my favorite games to play when camping with family was Red Light, Green Light. This group game doesn’t require anything besides eager kids and a little bit of time. To play the game, have all the kids stand behind a designated line and choose someone stand a good distance away. When the chosen person is facing everyone, the light is red and everyone must stop and freeze. As soon as they turn their back the light is green and everyone races to be the first one to reach them. If a player is caught moving, then they have to go back to the start while the others get to continue from where they are. Whoever reaches the end first becomes the new ‘policeman’ and the game starts over.

Above are just a few of the many games that are camping friendly! Interested in trying a glamping experience with the kiddos? Wander Camp is just for you with a beautiful backdrop from your pick of National Parks!
Post written by: Kailani Schulthies